I am almost at the end of finishing my doctoral thesis.
I am very less motivated. One in particular is I am completely sick of doing this thesis.
Well, one for the reason is because I know the work is not really interesting.
I can keep bullshitting myself and all the people around me.
But truth is, I can only categorize what I have done as a mediocre or even a subpar type of research.
It's quite depressing really.
And that is one of the main reasons that I can't really put myself together in addressing all these bullshit comments that I think won't really be able to elevate the thesis's subpar status.
Well, whatever it is, I have at least till the end of this week to get myself done with all the shitty corrections.
It's HARD. Super hard. Writing is hard. I never thought it would be this hard.
I was always doing really well in my essays all throughout my schooling. There was never really a challenge to put words into materializing whatever that I have on my mind. Basically, I think that I can actually think and write at the same time. That was then. Writing scientifically requires a lot of effort. For once, the audience is very specific. And the readers are people who are very particular. They will look for every inch of evidence to actually critcize your work. Most of the time, they will end up finding the evidence they are looking for.
It's not because you're a bad writer or researcher. It's basically because, no work can be perfect. There are always rooms for improvements. There are always gaps to be filled.
And what I have realized. The gap that I filled. Was a really. Small. Gap. Lol. KahkAh!
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